Tuesday, December 11, 2007


聞說﹐李逸的唱片(等你告訴我) 未正式統計﹐銷路已達11千張了﹐坦白說﹐李逸這張唱片除了(燕飛翔) 唱得不太理想之外﹐其它的歌曲都有優越的表現﹐尤其是(不如早點分離) ﹐(那一段日子)和(何時才能相會) ﹐那深厚的感情﹐清晰的咬詞﹐唱出了詞意的苦悽﹐很感人﹗
自李逸的唱片(等你告訴我)面市以後﹐整整四個多月過去了﹐都未見李逸的另一張新唱片面市﹐許多歌友都紛紛去信詢問他新唱片幾時出版﹐歌友們似乎望得脖子 都酸了﹐就是在等他的唱片﹐李逸告訴我﹐其實﹐看到歌友詢問有關唱片的事項﹐他自己也很著急﹐無奈時間是最大的阻礙﹐如果沒有充份的時間﹐他又不想草率灌 錄﹐在種種因素所然﹐他唯有等待有更充份的時間才灌錄﹐就在尤雅領銜(麗星歌劇團) 演唱完後﹐還有二十多天就要隨鄧麗君巡迴大馬﹐在空檔期間﹐他才執行錄音工作﹐為了要讓新作達到理想﹐他對歌曲的選擇非常慎重﹐選出適合他自己歌路的歌 曲。

許多人都認為李逸適合唱緩慢悲傷的歌曲﹐李逸對我說﹐我不想自己的歌路定了形﹐我希望自己也能把輕快的歌曲唱好﹐一位歌唱藝人歌藝應該是多方面﹐我會在這方面多下點功夫﹐你認為我的輕快歌曲唱的如何﹖他反問我。你最近幾首輕快的歌曲都唱的比以前好很多﹐像您新唱片中的(你到底在想什麼) ﹐還帶些少俏皮腔。這首歌正是他隨鄧麗君領銜(麗星歌劇團)登臺演唱的其中一首歌﹐也是他新歌唱片(輕輕呼喚你)裡的一首插曲。你認為這首歌是否適合我唱﹖他的(認真)毛病又來了。當然﹐是您自己選的嗎﹖是的。他笑笑。那是一首很舊的英文歌曲嘛﹗什麼ITSY BITSY.. 什麼POLKADOT, 歌名很長﹐我也忘了。這首舊曲我很熟悉﹐歌名煞那間也記不起來。你怎麼能選這首歌﹖

我覺得這旋律怪怪的﹐蠻好聽﹐所以﹐我就邀請丁冬替我撰詞﹐一首好聽的歌曲﹐我就想把它介紹給歌友﹐所以﹐我的新唱片未面世以前﹐我先在台上唱了。這首(到底你在想什麼) ﹐李逸唱得如何﹐歌友已聆賞過﹐的確是一首美的旋律。李逸在麗風合約在八月已滿﹐他又續約了﹐再為麗風效勞﹐他的新唱片(輕輕呼喚你) 已面世﹐歌曲計有(你像一個迷) (寄情) (到底你在想什麼) (山地月桃花) (我們都是年輕人) (日落黃昏) (尋覓) (請別誤會我) (告訴他我愛他) (你曾經愛過我) (祝你順風)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini
Brian Hyland
Album: Greatest Hits Released: 1960

Lyric: Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

Two, three, four
Tell the people what she wore

She was afraid to come out of the locker
She was as nervous as she could be
She was afraid to come out of the locker
She was afraid that somebody would see

One, two, three, four
Tell the people what she wore

It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today
An itsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
So in the locker she wanted to stay

One, two, three, four
Stick around, we'll tell you more

She was afraid to come out in the open
And so a blanket around her she wore
She was afraid to come out in the open
And so she sat bundled up on the shore

One, two, three, four
Tell the people what she wore

It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today
An itsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
So in the blanket she wanted to stay

One, two, three, four
Stick around, we'll tell you more

Now she's afraid to come of the water
And I wonder what she's gonna do
Now she's afraid to come out of the water
And the poor little girl's turnin blue

One, two, three, four
Tell the people what she wore

It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today
An itsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
So in the water she wanted to stay

One, two, three, four
Stick around, we'll tell you more

From the locker to the blanket
From the blanket to the shore
From the shore to the water
Guess there isn't any more

Liz from LA